LD 262
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Page 2 of 6 An Act To Protect Unborn Children from Acts of Violence Page 4 of 6
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LR 294
Item 1

D.__Reasonably believed that no other participant intended
to engage in conduct likely to result in death or serious
bodily injury.

3.__This section does not apply to:

A.__Acts that cause the death of an unborn child if those
acts are committed during an abortion, lawful or unlawful,
to which the pregnant woman consents; or

B.__Acts that are committed pursuant to usual and customary
standards of medical practice during diagnostic testing or
therapeutic treatment.

4.__Felony murder of an unborn child is a Class A crime.

5.__Prosecution of a person under this section does not
prohibit the prosecution of the person under any other law.

§224.__Manslaughter of unborn child

1.__A person is guilty of manslaughter of an unborn child if
that person:

A.__Recklessly, or with criminal negligence, causes the
death of an unborn child.__Violation of this paragraph is a
Class A crime;

B.__Intentionally or knowingly causes the death of an unborn
child under circumstances that do not constitute murder
because the person causes the death while under the
influence of extreme anger or extreme fear brought about by
adequate provocation.__Adequate provocation has the same
meaning as in section 222, subsection 5.__The fact that the
person causes the death of an unborn child while under the
influence of extreme anger or extreme fear brought about by
adequate provocation constitutes a mitigating circumstance
reducing murder to manslaughter and need not be proved in
any prosecution initiated under this subsection.__Violation
of this paragraph is a Class A crime; or

C.__Has direct and personal management or control of any
employment, place of employment or other employee and
intentionally or knowingly violates any occupational safety
or health standard of this State or the Federal Government
and that violation in fact causes the death of an employee's
unborn child and that death is a reasonably foreseeable
consequence of the violation.__This paragraph does not apply

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