LD 262
pg. 6
Page 5 of 6 An Act To Protect Unborn Children from Acts of Violence LD 262 Title Page
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LR 294
Item 1

B.__Acts that are committed pursuant to usual and customary
standards of medical practice during diagnostic testing or
therapeutic treatment.

3.__Elevated aggravated assault on an unborn child is a Class
A crime.

4.__Prosecution of a person under this section does not
prohibit the prosecution of the person under any other law.


This bill creates the new crimes of murder, felony murder,
assault, aggravated assault and elevated aggravated assault
against an unborn child. Punishment for these crimes is
consistent with penalties for the same offenses committed against
persons as defined in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 17-A,
chapter 9.

These crimes against unborn children do not apply to an
abortion to which the pregnant woman has consented, nor do they
apply to acts committed pursuant to usual and customary standards
of medical practice during diagnostic or therapeutic treatment.
These crimes do not apply to the pregnant woman.

For purposes of this bill, an unborn child is defined as an
individual of the human species from the state of fetal
development when the life of the fetus may be continued
indefinitely outside the womb by natural or artificial life-
supportive systems until birth.

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