LD 290
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Mobile Service Bars on Maine Golf Courses ... LD 290 Title Page
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LR 1310
Item 1

mobile service bar licensees automatically lose all of their liquor
licenses in the event that any amount of malt liquor, other than
that which is sold by the licensee, is possessed and consumed on
the premises by members of the public. This bill alters that
standard to make it consistent with similar provisions governing
other on-premises licensees. Specifically, it provides that mobile
service bar licensees may not possess nor permit possession, sale
or consumption of unauthorized malt liquor on the premises, and
that a licensee's failure to adhere to this standard subjects it to
potential revocation and suspension of the liquor license or other
forms of discipline to the same extent as other on-premises
licensees. The bill also removes the sunset provisions on the law
allowing the sale of malt liquor on golf courses.

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