LD 294
pg. 4
Page 3 of 5 An Act To Give Consumers the Option To Buy Cheaper Individual Health Insurance ... Page 5 of 5
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LR 427
Item 1

organization but is governed by the laws and rules of the State of
(state of domicile of parent or subsidiary of domestic), which is
the state of domicile of the parent or subsidiary of the domestic
insurer or health maintenance organization.__This policy might not
be subject to all the insurance laws and rules of the State of
Maine, including coverage of certain health care services or
benefits mandated by Maine law.__Before purchasing this policy, you
should carefully review the terms and conditions of coverage under
this policy, including any exclusions or limitations of coverage";

4. Grievance procedures. The domestic insurer or health
maintenance organization meets the requirements of section 4303,
subsection 4 for grievance procedures with respect to health
plans offered for sale in this State.

Sec. 4. 24-A MRSA §1420-M, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 259,
§24, is amended to read:

1. Appointment. An insurance producer may not act as an
agent of an insurer unless the insurance producer becomes an
appointed agent of that insurer. An insurance producer may not
act as an agent of a foreign insurer or health maintenance
organization certified to transact individual health insurance
pursuant to section 405-A unless the producer holds a valid
producer license from the state or country of domicile of the
foreign insurer or health maintenance organization. An insurance
producer who is not acting as an agent of an insurer is not
required to become appointed.

Sec. 5. Effective date. This Act takes effect January 1, 2006.


Beginning January 1, 2006, this bill permits out-of-state
health insurers, which are referred to as foreign insurers in the
Maine Insurance Code, to offer their individual health plans for
sale in this State if certain requirements of Maine law are met,
including minimum capital and surplus and reserve requirements,
disclosure and reporting requirements and grievance procedures.
It also permits Maine health insurers to offer individual health
plans of out-of-state parent or subsidiary health insurers if
similar requirements are met. If out-of-state health plans are
offered for sale in this State, the bill requires that
prospective enrollees be provided adequate disclosure of how the
plans differ from Maine health plans in a format approved by the
Superintendent of Insurance.

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