LD 326
pg. 1
LD 326 Title Page An Act To Impose Mandatory Minimum Sentences for Certain Sexual Offenses LD 326 Title Page
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LR 1564
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 17-A MRSA §1252, sub-§9 is enacted to read:

9.__Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the
minimum term of imprisonment for a crime committed under section
253 or 254 is 10 years for a first offense and 20 years for a 2nd
or subsequent offense.__No part of the minimum term of
imprisonment under this subsection may be suspended or reduced
through plea bargaining.


This bill requires a minimum sentence of 10 years in prison
for a crime of gross sexual assault or sexual abuse of a minor
and 20 years for a 2nd or subsequent offense. This bill
prohibits the reduction of the minimum sentence through
suspension or plea bargaining.

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