LD 346
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act To Amend Group Insurance Funding Requirements LD 346 Title Page
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LR 1503
Item 1

shall make the additional contribution no later than the
anniversary date of the program as required to fund the
departing member's exposure in accordance with this

(3) Depending upon the financial condition of the
self-insurer, and if approved by the superintendent, a
self-insurer that has maintained an actuarially
determined fully funded trust for a period of 5 or more
consecutive years may fund all years, including the
prospective fund year, in the aggregate at the 75% or
higher confidence level. Subject to approval by the
superintendent, a self-insurer that has maintained an
actuarially determined fully funded trust for a period
of 10 or more consecutive years may fund all years,
including the prospective fund year, in the aggregate
at the 65% or higher confidence level.

(4) Trust assets must consist of cash or marketable
securities of a type and risk character as specified in
subsection 9. The trustee shall submit a report to the
superintendent not less frequently than quarterly that
lists the assets comprising the corpus of the trust,
including a statement of their market value and the
investment activity during the period covered by the
report. The trust must be established and maintained
subject to the condition that trust assets may not be
transferred or revert in any manner to the employer
except to the extent that the superintendent finds that
the value of the trust assets exceeds the present value
of incurred claims and claims settlement costs with an
actuarially indicated margin for future loss
development. In all other respects, the trust
instrument, including terms for certification, funding,
designation of trustee and payout, must be as approved
by the superintendent, except that the value of the
trust account must be actuarially calculated at least
annually by a casualty actuary who is a member of the
American Academy of Actuaries and adjusted to the
required level of funding.


This bill provides that a self-insured group workers'
compensation trust that has been in existence for 10 years may,
upon approval of the superintendent, fund at the 65% or higher
confidence level.

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