LD 347
pg. 5
Page 4 of 5 An Act To Rename the Jobs for Maine's Graduates Program To Create InspireME ... LD 347 Title Page
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LR 345
Item 1

2. All existing bylaws of Jobs for Maine's Graduates in effect
are hereby declared in effect and continue in effect until
rescinded, revised or amended by InspireME.

3. All existing contracts, agreements and compacts currently
in effect to which Jobs for Maine's Graduates is a party continue
in effect.

4. All members on the Board of Directors of Jobs for Maine's
Graduates continue as members on the Board of Directors of
InspireME in the positions they currently occupy for the terms to
which they were originally appointed.

5. All records, property and equipment previously belonging
to or allocated for the use of the former Jobs for Maine's
Graduates become, on the effective date of this Act, part of the
property of InspireME.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill changes the name of the Jobs for Maine's Graduates
program to InspireME to better reflect its mission and impact.
The bill also makes minor changes to the purpose and structure of
the program.

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