LD 371
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Distribute Revenue in the Law Enforcement Agency Reimbursement Fund t... LD 371 Title Page
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LR 1125
Item 1


Under current law, 6% of fines and forfeitures collected for
traffic infractions must be deposited in the Law Enforcement
Agency Reimbursement Fund, which is then used to reimburse
municipalities and counties at a flat rate of $50 per day when a
law enforcement officer from the municipality or county attends
court. Any balance in the fund at the end of the fiscal year is
transferred to the General Fund.

This bill requires that any balance in the fund at the end of
the fiscal year be distributed among municipalities according to
a population-based revenue-sharing formula. If a municipality
does not qualify because it does not employ at least one law
enforcement officer or contract with a county to provide patrol
service, then the county in which that municipality is located
receives the nonqualifying municipality's share of the fund.

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