LD 428
pg. 1
LD 428 Title Page An Act To Require a Nonpartisan Legislature LD 428 Title Page
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LR 1519
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:



This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208.

This bill proposes to establish a nonpartisan legislature by
prohibiting a candidate for the Legislature from running as a
member of a political party or having a party affiliation listed
on the ballot. Primaries would still be held and the 2
candidates with the highest vote totals from each Senate or House
district would run against each other in the general election.

The prohibition would be phased in over an 8-year period by
applying it to candidates for the 123rd through 126th
Legislatures who are not members of the 122nd Legislature.

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