LD 449
pg. 2
Page 1 of 5 An Act To Make Changes to the Pine Tree Development Zones Page 3 of 5
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LR 416
Item 1

17. Qualified Pine Tree Development Zone business. "Qualified
Pine Tree Development Zone business" or "qualified business"
means any for-profit business in this State engaged in financial
services, manufacturing or a targeted technology business that
adds at least one qualified Pine Tree Development Zone employees
employee above its base level of employment in this State and
that meets the following criteria:

A. It demonstrates that the establishment or expansion of
operations within the Pine Tree Development Zone would not
occur within the State absent the availability of the Pine
Tree Development Zone benefits. The department shall
investigate determine whether the business has met the
requirements of this paragraph and provide an advisory
opinion to the Executive Director of the Bureau of Revenue
Services in the Department of Administrative and Financial
Services, who shall make the final determination; and

B. It has received a certificate as a qualified business
pursuant to section 5250-O.

Sec. 5. 30-A MRSA §5250-J, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 688, Pt.
D, §2, is amended to read:

1. Creation. One or more units of local government, or an
organization representing one or more units of local government,
may apply to the commissioner for the designation of a Pine Tree
Development Zone within the boundaries of the unit or units of
local government in accordance with the requirements of this
subchapter. County governments may apply on behalf of
unorganized territories. Groups of units of local government may
apply for multijurisdictional or joint projects.
Multijurisdictional applications require designation of one unit
of local government as the lead applicant and consent for that
designation by each participating unit of local government.
Counties may also apply on behalf of a consortium of units of
local government. The designation of a Pine Tree Development Zone
may not conflict with the provisions of a municipal or other unit
of local government charter. Zones that meet the requirements of
subsection 2 are authorized for designation as follows:

A. Aroostook County, including up to 100 acres of land
reserved for the Aroostook Band of Micmacs and the Houlton
Band of Maliseet Indians;

B. The Androscoggin Valley region, including the Lewiston
Enterprise Community Zone as designated by the federal
Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug
Administration, and Related Agencies, Appropriations Act,
Public Law 105-277 (1999);

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