LD 507
pg. 3
Page 2 of 7 An Act To Establish Individual Medical Savings Accounts Page 4 of 7
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LR 519
Item 1

(2)__The taxpayer's employer may subtract the amount of
contributions made by the employer to an individual
medical savings account established on the taxpayer's
behalf to the extent that the contributions are not
deductible under the Code.

Sec. 7. 36 MRSA §5164, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1999, c. 708, §38, is
further amended to read:

1. Fiduciary adjustment defined. The fiduciary adjustment is
the net amount of the modifications described in section 5122,
including subsection 3 if the estate or trust is a beneficiary of
another estate or trust, which relates that relate to items of
income or deduction of an estate or trust. Income taxes imposed
by this State or any other taxing jurisdiction and interest or
expenses incurred in the production of income exempt from tax
under this Part deducted in arriving at federal taxable income
must be added back to the fiduciary adjustment. Interest or
expenses incurred in the production of income taxable under this
Part but exempt from federal income tax must be subtracted from
the fiduciary adjustment.

Interest income earned on a trust that is established as an
individual medical savings account pursuant to chapter 923 is not
included as income if the interest income is received on
obligations of a state, territory or possession of the United
States or a political subdivision of a state, territory or
possession that is located outside of this State.__Interest
earned by a trust that is established as an individual medical
savings account may be subtracted from the adjusted gross income
to the extent that the interest income is included in the trust's
Maine gross income during the taxable year.

Sec. 8. 36 MRSA §5200-A, sub-§2, śL, as amended by PL 2003, c. 20, Pt.
EE, §3, is further amended to read:

L. An amount equal to the absolute value of any net
operating loss arising from a tax year beginning or ending
in 2001 for which federal taxable income was increased under
subsection 1, paragraph M and that, pursuant to Section 102
of the federal Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of
2002, Public Law 107-147, was carried back more than 2 years
to the taxable year for federal income tax purposes, but
only to the extent that:

(1) Maine taxable income is not reduced below zero;

(2) The taxable year is either within 2 years prior to the year
in which the loss arose or within the

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