LD 508
pg. 35
Page 34 of 41 An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... Page 36 of 41
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LR 2172
Item 1

Maine by the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services.
The land, rights and buildings so acquired must be sufficient to
support the current and future operations of the Maine Military
Authority and other tenants of the property.

Oversight and management of the facilities must be delegated
to the Bureau of General Services, which has authority to
negotiate and enter into leases that are most conducive to
operations of the Maine Military Authority and other tenants
considered suitable by the Bureau of General Services. Current
leases and contracts relating to the facilities or services
rendered at the facilities must be assigned to the Bureau of
General Services.

The Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services
shall report to the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs by
January 30, 2006 on the terms of transfer and the terms and
conditions of the Bureau of General Services' oversight and
management of the facility.

Sec. G-3. Unexpended funds. The Department of Defense, Veterans and
Emergency Management is authorized to expend $337,949 of
unencumbered funds in the state matching Disaster Assistance -
MEMA account from closeouts of previous federally funded disaster
relief and to make those funds available to be used as state
matching funds to eligible municipalities as required under the
federal-state agreement to administer relief for the current
disaster identified as "FEMA-1508-DR." These funds may be
allotted by financial order upon recommendation of the State
Budget Officer and approval by the Governor.


Sec. H-1. Child Welfare Services; lapsed balances. Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, $240,137 of the unencumbered balance in fiscal
year 2004-05 in the Child Welfare Services General Fund account
in the Department of Health and Human Services lapses to the
General Fund in fiscal year 2004-05.

Sec. H-2. Disproportionate Share - Bangor Mental Health Institute; lapsed balances.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, $130,874 of the
unencumbered balance in fiscal year 2004-05 in the
Disproportionate Share - Bangor Mental Health Institute account
in the Department of Health and Human Services lapses to the
General Fund in fiscal year 2004-05.

Sec. H-3. Settlement proceeds. Notwithstanding any other provision of
law, the State Controller is authorized to recognize

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