LD 509
pg. 10
Page 9 of 183 An Act To Adopt the Maine Uniform Securities Act Page 11 of 183
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LR 441
Item 1

All involved in the drafting of this new Act owe a particular debt
of gratitude to Richard B. Smith who served as our chair. His
efforts were pivotal to the initiation of this project. His
indefatigable leadership and high standards immeasurably improved
the final Act.


Legislative Note

Each state, the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico
have enacted an administrative procedure act. The procedural
provisions of the Act in some instances are intended to augment
the state administrative procedure act. In so doing, this Act
differs from other uniform acts promulgated by the National
Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) in
that it contains procedural provisions on topics such as
administrative rulemaking and adjudication, service of process,
judicial review of administrative adjudications, public records,
public hearings, and use immunity. Normally a uniform act
promulgated by NCCUSL defers to existing state procedural
provisions on such matters. This Act reflects a policy decision
that these matters should be addressed in this Act to promote
uniformity in securities regulation. When a conflict exists
between this Act and a state administrative procedure act, this
Act is intended to supersede the state administrative procedure
act. When, however, a reference is made in this Act to the state
administrative procedure act, this Act is intended to follow the
state's existing administrative procedure act.

In general in this Act a rule will apply generally and an
order will apply to a specific individual, transaction, or
matter, although the term order may also apply generally in those
states that permit orders of general applicability.





§16101.__Short title

This chapter may be known and cited as "the Maine Uniform
Securities Act."


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