LD 509
pg. 100
Page 99 of 183 An Act To Adopt the Maine Uniform Securities Act Page 101 of 183
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LR 441
Item 1

the person is licensed under this chapter as an investment adviser
or is exempt from licensing as an investment adviser under
subsection 2.

2. Exemptions from licensing.__The following persons are
exempt from the licensing requirement of subsection 1:

A.__A person without a place of business in this State that
is registered or licensed under the securities act of the
state in which the person has its principal place of
business if its only clients in this State are:

(1) Federal covered investment advisers, investment
advisers licensed under this chapter or broker-dealers
licensed under this chapter;

(2) Institutional investors;

(3) Bona fide preexisting clients whose principal
places of residence are not in this State if the
investment adviser is registered or licensed under the
securities act of the state in which the clients
maintain principal places of residence; or

(4) Any other client exempted by rule adopted or order
issued under this chapter;

B.__A person without a place of business in this State if
the person has had, during the preceding 12 months, not more
than 5 clients that are resident in this State in addition
to those specified under paragraph A; or

C.__Any other person exempted by rule adopted or order
issued under this chapter.

3.__Limits on employment or association.__It is unlawful for
an investment adviser, directly or indirectly, to employ or
associate with an individual to engage in an activity related to
investment advice in this State if the license of the individual
is suspended or revoked or the individual is barred from
employment or association with an investment adviser, federal
covered investment adviser or broker-dealer by an order under
this chapter, the Securities and Exchange Commission or a self-
regulatory organization, unless the investment adviser sustains
the burden of proof that the investment adviser did not know, and
in the exercise of reasonable care could not have known, of the
suspension, revocation or bar. Upon request from the investment
adviser and for good cause, the administrator, by order, may
waive, in whole or in part, the application of the prohibitions
of this subsection to
the investment adviser.

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