LD 509
pg. 121
Page 120 of 183 An Act To Adopt the Maine Uniform Securities Act Page 122 of 183
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LR 441
Item 1

meet the person's obligations as they mature.__The
administrator may not enter an order against an applicant or
licensee under this paragraph without a finding of insolvency
as to the applicant or licensee;

H.__Refuses to allow or otherwise impedes the administrator
from conducting an audit or inspection under section 16411,
subsection 4 or refuses access to a licensee's office to
conduct an audit or inspection under section 16411,
subsection 4;

I.__Has failed to reasonably supervise an agent, investment
adviser representative or other individual if the agent,
investment adviser representative or other individual was
subject to the person's supervision and committed a
violation of this chapter or the predecessor act or a rule
adopted or order issued under this chapter or the
predecessor act or engaged in conduct that would be grounds
for discipline under this subsection within the previous 10

J.__Is subject to an order entered by a court of competent
jurisdiction or entered after notice and opportunity for
hearing by a federal or state licensing agency denying,
suspending, revoking or restricting the person's license to
sell real estate, insurance or any investment other than
securities, provided that the order resulted from
allegations of misconduct. This paragraph also applies when
the denial, suspension, revocation or restriction of the
license is pursuant to a consent agreement between the
person and the licensing agency, whether or not the agency
also issues an order;

K.__After notice and opportunity for a hearing, has been
found within the previous 10 years:

(1) By a court of competent jurisdiction to have
intentionally and knowingly violated the laws of a
foreign jurisdiction under which the business of
securities, commodities, investment, franchises,
insurance, banking or finance is regulated;

(2) To have been the subject of an order of a
securities regulator of a foreign jurisdiction denying,
revoking or suspending the right to engage in the
business of securities as a broker-dealer, agent,
investment adviser, investment adviser representative
or similar person; or

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