LD 509
pg. 131
Page 130 of 183 An Act To Adopt the Maine Uniform Securities Act Page 132 of 183
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LR 441
Item 1

235, 238-239 (Ohio 1979) (it is not unconstitutional to require the
burden of proof as an affirmative defense to prove a securities law
exemption); State v. Andersen, 773 A.2d 328 (Conn. 2001) (an
exemption from registration is an affirmative defense to the charge
of selling unregistered securities).

Maine Comments

1. Section 16503(2): The model Uniform Securities Act used a
"burden of going forward" standard with respect to the defenses
mentioned in this subsection. In order to comport with the
established standard in the Revised Maine Securities Act, Maine
instead uses the "preponderance of the evidence" burden.

§16504.__Filing of sales and advertising literature

1.__Filing requirement. A rule adopted or order issued under
this chapter may require the filing of a prospectus, a pamphlet,
a circular, a form letter, an advertisement, sales literature,
some other advertising record relating to a security or
investment advice or a business plan addressed or intended for
distribution to prospective investors, including clients or
prospective clients of a person licensed or required to be
licensed as an investment adviser under this chapter.__Rules
adopted pursuant to this section are routine technical rules as
defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.

2.__Excluded communications.__This section does not apply to
sales and advertising literature specified in subsection 1 that
relates to a federal covered security, a federal covered
investment adviser or a security or transaction exempted by
section 16201, 16202 or 16203 except as required pursuant to
section 16201, subsection 7 and section 16202, subsections 15 and

Official Comments

Prior Provisions: 1956 Act Section 403; RUSA Section 405.

1. The prospectuses, pamphlets, circulars, form letters,
advertisements, sales literature or advertising communications,
include material disseminated electronically or available on a
web site.

2. The administrator may bring a civil enforcement action in
a court under Section 603 or institute administrative enforcement
under Section 604 to prevent publication, circulation or use of
any materials required by the administrator to be filed under
Section 504 that have not been filed.

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