LD 509
pg. 152
Page 151 of 183 An Act To Adopt the Maine Uniform Securities Act Page 153 of 183
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LR 441
Item 1

appear, testify, file a statement, produce records or obey a

5.__Assistance to securities regulator of another
jurisdiction.__At the request of the securities regulator of
another state or a foreign jurisdiction, the administrator may
provide assistance if the requesting regulator states that it is
conducting an investigation to determine whether a person has
violated, is violating or is about to violate a law or rule of
the other state or foreign jurisdiction relating to securities
matters that the requesting regulator administers or enforces.
The administrator may provide the assistance by using the
authority to investigate and the powers conferred by this section
as the administrator determines is necessary or appropriate. The
assistance may be provided without regard to whether the conduct
described in the request would also constitute a violation of
this chapter or other law of this State if occurring in this
State. In deciding whether to provide the assistance, the
administrator may consider whether the requesting regulator is
permitted and has agreed to provide assistance reciprocally
within its state or foreign jurisdiction to the administrator on
securities matters when requested, whether compliance with the
request would violate or prejudice the public policy of this
State and the availability of resources and employees of the
administrator to carry out the request for assistance.

Official Comments

Prior Provisions: 1956 Act Section 407; RUSA Section 601.

1. Sections 602 (a) and (b) follow the 1956 Act, which was
modeled generally on Sections 21(a) through (d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 as it then read.

2. Standards for issuance of subpoenas have been generally
established in federal and state securities law. See, e.g., 10
Louis Loss & Joel Seligman, Securities Regulation 4917-4937 (3d
ed. rev. 1996) (discussing Oklahoma Press Pub. Co. v. Walling,
327 U.S. 186 (1946) and other cases). The scope of subpoena
enforcement in each state is a general matter for judicial
determination. Under Section 602, an individual subpoenaed to
testify by the administrator is not compelled to testify within
the meaning of these sections simply by service of a subpoena.
Under Section 602(b) the individual can be subpoenaed and
compelled to attend. Once in attendance an individual can assert
an evidentiary privilege or exemption, see Section 601(c),
including the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-
incrimination. If an individual refuses to testify or give
evidence, the administrator may apply (or have the appropriate
State attorney apply) to the appropriate
court for the relief

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