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Item 1

the holdings that "fraud" as used in the federal and state
securities statutes is not limited to common law deceit. See
generally 7 Louis Loss & Joel Seligman, Securities Regulation 3421-
3448 (3d ed. 1991).

12. Section 102(10): Guaranteed: Prior Provisions: 1956 Act
Section 401(e); RUSA Section 401(a)(1). The 1956 Act definition
of "guaranteed" applies generally to payment of "principal,
interest, or dividends." The RUSA definition of "guaranteed,"
which was solely applicable to exempt securities, applied to the
guarantee of "all or substantially all of principal and interest
or dividends."

Section 102(10) follows the 1956 Act approach and applies
generally to the guarantee of "all principal and all interest."
Any method of guarantee that results in a guarantee of payment of
all principal and all interest will suffice including, for
example, an irrevocable letter of credit.

This definition does not address whether or not a guarantee,
whether whole or partial, is itself a security. That issue is
addressed by the definition of "security" in Section 102(28).

13. Section 102(11): Institutional investor: Prior
Provisions: RUSA Section 101(5); Securities Act of 1933 Rules
144A and 501(a).

Sections 102(11)(A) through (K) are based on Rule 501(a) of
the Securities Act of 1933, but do not include the paragraphs of
Rule 501(a) that address individuals. Given the significant
period of time since Rule 501(a) was adopted, this Act has used a
$10 million minimum for several categories of institutional
investor rather than $5 million minimum used in Rule 501(a).

Section 102(11)(H) concludes with an except clause meant to
exclude self-directed plans for individuals from this definition.

With respect to the exclusion of Rule 144A(a)(1)(H) from
Section 102(11)(M), the substance of Rule 144A(a)(1)(H) appears
in Section 102(11)(I), but with a requirement of total assets in
excess of $10,000,000.

Section 102(11)(O) is meant to reach persons similar to those
listed in Sections 102(11)(A) through (N), but not otherwise
listed. Under Section 503, if challenged in a proceeding, the
burden of proving the availability of an exemption is on the
person claiming it. An interpretive opinion may be sought from
the administrator under Section 605(d).

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