LD 509
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Item 1

exemption which addresses certain church plan securities are
federal covered securities under Section 18(b)(4)(C).

RUSA included an optional notice and review requirement for
nonprofit securities in Section 401(b)(10) "if at least ten days
before a sale of the security the person has filed with the
administrator a notice setting forth the material terms of the
proposed sale and copies of any sales and advertising literature
to be used and the administrator by order does not disallow the
exemption within the next five full business days."

The nonprofit exemption is of particular concern to state
securities administrators. See, e.g., State Regulators Announce
Dramatic Rise in Religious Scams; Tens of Thousands Lured, 33
Sec. Reg. & L. Rep. (BNA) 1189 (2001).

Under Section 6 of the Philanthropy Protection Act, Congress
preempted application of the registration provisions of state
securities laws to issuance of securities covered by Section
3(c)(10) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 unless states
acted within three years of enactment (December 1998) to pass
special state legislation cancelling federal preemption. Ten
states enacted such legislation. Those states may preserve this
treatment of Section 3(c)(10) securities by deleting from Section
201(7) the phrase "or a security of a company that is excluded
from the definition of an investment company under Section
3(c)(10)(B) of the Investment Company Act of 1940."

Section 201(7) provides statutory authority for the states to
adopt rules with respect to notes, bonds, debentures and other
evidences of indebtedness issued by nonprofit organizations. Each
state may adopt different rules tailored for various types of
nonprofit debt offerings, (e.g., local church bond offerings,
national church bond offerings, church extension funds,
charitable gift annuities). For states that do not wish to
provide an automatic exemption from registration for a particular
type of nonprofit debt instrument or offering, Section 201(7)
creates three categories of regulatory review that may be
required by rule: (a) exemption by notice filing, (b) exemption
by state authorization, and (c) registration by qualification.
These categories are consistent with the manner in which many
states currently review different types of nonprofit debt
securities. See Horner & Makens, Securities Regulation of
Religious and Other Nonprofit Organizations, 27 Stetson L. Rev.
473 (1997).

8. Section 201(8): Cooperatives: Prior Provision: RUSA
Section 401(b)(13). Section 201(8) is derived from RUSA Section
401(b)(13) which was included in that act after a number of
states had adopted exemptions for securities issued by

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