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Page 95 of 183 An Act To Adopt the Maine Uniform Securities Act Page 97 of 183
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Item 1

the administrator's order to the individual suspended or barred.
Cf. Comment 17 to Section 412.

7. Section 401(d) recognizes the increasingly transnational
nature of securities brokerage and permits, if the administrator
adopts a rule or order, transactions by a Canadian or a foreign
broker-dealer with a person from Canada or other foreign
jurisdiction who is resident in this State. This subsection is
not self-executing and is effective only if the administrator
adopts a rule or order.

8. To give effect to action taken by rule or order under
Section 401(d), there must be a transaction registration
exemption that will enable securities transactions to take place
in customer accounts involving the broker-dealers and agents
contemplated in Section 401(d). See Sections 202 and 203.

Maine Comments

1. Although the model Uniform Securities Act uses the term
"registration," Maine retains the term "licensing" from the
Revised Maine Securities Act for the sake of continuity and to
avoid confusion with the registration of securities.

2. Section 16401(1): The last sentence and citation in
Official Comment 1 relate to the broker-dealer definition, not to
whether a broker-dealer must be licensed in Maine.

3. Section 16401(2)(A)(2): For the purpose of investor
protection, Maine retains the Revised Maine Securities Act's
language that excludes clearing brokers from this exemption.

4. The model Uniform Securities Act contained an additional
exemption, section 401(b)(1)(G), which would apply in certain
situations in which a broker-dealer has 3 or fewer customers in
Maine in the past year. Maine rejected this exemption to better
protect investors in Maine, a state in which broker-dealers are
more likely to have only a few clients. In this State's
regulatory experience, enforcement of such "de minimus" customer
exemptions is complicated because of the inherent difficulty in
determining the number of Maine clients of any given broker-
dealer. Further, pursuant to subsection 16401(2)(A)(H), the
administrator may waive the licensing requirements on a case-by-
case basis. Under the predecessor act, the administrator issued
exclusion orders for some broker-dealers with a small number of
Maine clients. The administrator maintains such discretion under
this Act.

§16402.__Agent licensing requirement and exemptions

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