LD 652
pg. 1
LD 652 Title Page An Act To Provide Free Deer Hunting Licenses to Persons 100 Years of Age or Old... LD 652 Title Page
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LR 1038
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §10853, sub-§1-A is enacted to read:

1.__Residents 100 years of age or older.__A complimentary
license or permit to hunt deer, including an antlerless deer
permit under section 11152, must be issued to any resident of the
State who is 100 years of age or older upon application to the

A.__A resident who applies for a complimentary license or
permit under this subsection at any time during the calendar
year of that resident's 100th birthday must be issued the
appropriate license or permit upon application, regardless
of the actual date during that calendar year in which that
resident attains 100 years of age. The application must be
accompanied by a birth certificate or other certified
evidence of the applicant's date of birth and proof of

B.__A complimentary license or permit issued under this
subsection remains valid for the remainder of the life of
the license or permit holder, as long as the license or
permit holder continues to satisfy the residency
requirements set out in section 10001, subsection 53 and the
license or permit is not revoked or suspended.


Current law provides a complimentary license to hunt, trap or
fish to residents 70 years of age or older; this benefit is due
to expire January 1, 2006.

This bill allows a resident 100 years of age or older to
obtain a complimentary license or permit to hunt any deer,
including antlerless deer.

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