LD 783
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Require That the Pupil Evaluation Team Set Graduation Standards for S... LD 783 Title Page
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indicate the time and place of the pupil evaluation team meeting
and a copy of the notice must be placed in the exceptional
student's permanent record. ; and

Sec. 3. 20-A MRSA §7202, sub-§11 is enacted to read:

11.__Graduation standards.__Notwithstanding section 4722,
section 6202, section 6202-A and rules adopted pursuant to
section 6202-A, establish that graduation requirements for each
exceptional student are governed by the student's individual
education plan.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill reestablishes the role of the individual education
plan as the controlling factor in determining the specific
graduation requirements for special education students.

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