LD 868
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act To Ensure Equity in Funding LD 868 Title Page
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LR 989
Item 1

9 employees and to defray the costs incurred by the Public
Advocate pursuant to this Title, including administrative
expenses, general expenses, consulting fees and all other
reasonable costs incurred to administer this Title.

C-1. Except as specified in this subsection, funds that are
not expended at the end of a fiscal year do not lapse but
must be carried forward to be expended for the purposes
specified in this section in succeeding fiscal years; but,
with the exception of funds carried forward from fiscal year
2002-03 and fiscal year 2003-04 for use in the following
fiscal year, unexpended funds in excess of 10% of the total
annual assessment authorized in this section must, at the
option of the Public Advocate, either be either presented to
the Legislature in accordance with paragraph A for
reallocation and expenditure or used to reduce the utility
assessment in the following fiscal year. In the case of
funds carried forward from fiscal year 2002-03 and fiscal
year 2003-04 for use in the following fiscal year, 100% of
these funds may be expended for the purposes specified in
this section.

Sec. 3. Public Utilities Commission study. Beginning on the effective
date of this Act, the Public Utilities Commission shall account
for the time spent by the commission and all other professional
and support staff on energy supply issues, including, but not
limited to, regional supply issues, standard offer proceedings
and oversight of competitive energy providers, and report the
accounting results to the Joint Standing Committee on Utilities
and Energy no later than March 1, 2006. The committee is
authorized to report out a bill based on the results of this

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill requires the Public Utilities Commission to develop
a method of accounting for the time spent by the commission and
its professional and support staff on energy supply issues and
report the accounting results by March 1, 2006 to the Joint
Standing Committee on Utilities and Energy. The bill also
requires annual assessments for the operation of the Office of
Public Advocate to be calculated in the same manner as
assessments made by the Public Utilities Commission.

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