LD 881
pg. 1
LD 881 Title Page An Act To Amend the Maine Workers' Compensation Act of 1992 To Facilitate Timel... LD 881 Title Page
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LR 1417
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 39-A MRSA §312, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 885, Pt. A,
§8 and affected by §§9 to 11, is amended to read:

2. Duties. An independent medical examiner shall render
medical findings on the medical condition of an employee and
related issues as specified under this section. The independent
medical examiner in a case may not be the employee's treating
health care provider and may not have treated the employee with
respect to the injury for which the claim is being made or the
benefits are being paid. Nothing in this subsection precludes
the selection of a provider authorized to receive reimbursement
under section 206 to serve in the capacity of an independent
medical examiner. A physician who has examined an the employee
at the request of an insurance company, employer or employee in
accordance with section 207 during the previous 52 weeks is not
eligible to serve as an independent medical examiner.


The purpose of this bill is to expand the number of qualified
medical professionals who are eligible to perform independent and
more timely medical assessments relating to workers' compensation
medical benefits.

In a recent case, Lydon v. Sprinkler Services, 841 A2d 793
(Me. 2004), the Law Court concluded that the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 39-A, section 312, subsection 2 precludes the use
of a physician as an independent medical examiner if that
physician has examined any employee, not merely the employee
whose case is at issue. This bill specifies that it is a
physician who examines "the" employee, not any employee, at the
request of an insurance company during the previous 52 weeks who
is prohibited from serving as an independent medical examiner.

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