LD 892
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act To Ensure an Adequate Supply of a Skilled Health Care Workforce LD 892 Title Page
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LR 186
Item 1

employers, health education programs and the Department of Labor.
The forum shall:

1. Inventory. Develop an inventory of present health
workforce and educational programs; and

2. Research. Develop research and analytical methods for
understanding population-based health care needs on an ongoing

Through the forum, the department shall serve as a
clearinghouse for information relating to health workforce
issues. The department shall use the information gathered
through the forum to develop its health policy and planning
decisions authorized under this Title and to make appropriate
policy recommendations based on its analysis of the health care
workforce. The department shall post its annual report and
recommendations on a publicly accessible site on the Internet
maintained by the department by December 31st of each year,
beginning in 2006.


This bill accomplishes the following.

1. It directs the Department of Labor to compile and post on-
line a report on health care occupations.

2. It requires that certain licensed, registered and certified
health care workers receive a voluntary survey to allow the
collection of data on health care occupations.

3. It adds a representative of the Department of Labor to the
health workforce forum established in the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 22, section 257.

4. It directs the Department of Health and Human Services to
post on its website its recommendations based on its review of
the health workforce forum's report.

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