LD 983
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Page 2 of 3 An Act To Make Technical Changes to the Maine Criminal Code LD 983 Title Page
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LR 2191
Item 1

to the court the exact circumstances of the destruction or

6. An illegal gambling machine together with any monetary
contents and any associated proceeds is contraband and may be
seized by any law enforcement officer pursuant to subsection 7 or

Sec. 2. 17-A MRSA §1233, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 788, §7, is
amended to read:

§1233. Revocation procedures

The procedures, rights and responsibilities that apply to
probation revocation under sections 1205 to 1208, including bail
under section 1205, subsection 8 1205-C, subsections 5 and 6 and
appellate review of revocation under section 1207, apply to
revocation of supervised release.


The 121st Legislature amended the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 17-A, section 959 regarding illegal gambling machines to
give the State the authority to order forfeiture of "any
associated proceeds" of an illegal gambling machine. However,
parallel changes to the procedural provisions in Title 17-A,
section 959, subsections 3, 4, 5 and 6 were not made. This bill
corrects the omission.

This bill also replaces an outdated reference to former Title
17-A, section 1205, subsection 8 with a reference to current
section 1205-C, subsections 5 and 6. Former Title 17-A, section
1205, subsection 8 was repealed by Public Law 1999, chapter 246.

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