LD 1057
pg. 1
LD 1057 Title Page An Act To Establish and Implement the Maine STEP-UP Program LD 1057 Title Page
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LR 378
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 38 MRSA §343-I is enacted to read:

§343-I.__Smart Tracks for Exceptional Performers and

Upward Performers Program

The Smart Tracks for Exceptional Performers and Upward
Performers Program, known as "the STEP-UP Program" and referred
to in this section as "the program," is established within the
department and administered by the commissioner.__In cooperation
with program participants, the department shall establish
guidelines for the program.__The department shall create a
contractual relationship between the commissioner and state
organizations and businesses to achieve sustainability
objectives, including energy and natural resources conservation.__
For the purposes of the program, "sustainability" means meeting
the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their needs.__The program must include
a variety of sustainability tracks and goals and must be
publicized at local and state levels.__Beginning January 2006 and
biennially thereafter, the department shall report to the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
natural resources matters on the status of the program, progress
toward meeting goals and recommended changes to improve the


This bill establishes the Smart Tracks for Exceptional
Performers and Upward Performers Program within the Department of
Environmental Protection. It requires a contractual relationship
between state organizations and businesses and the Commissioner
of Environmental Protection to achieve sustainability objectives,
including energy and natural resources conservation. The bill
also defines sustainability.

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