LD 1068
pg. 7
Page 6 of 7 An Act To Strengthen Maine's Small Business Economy LD 1068 Title Page
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LR 766
Item 1

11. Funding for grants to Maine graduates for business start-

12. Funding for business attraction;

13. Funding for microenterprise infrastructure;

14. Funding for small business development centers;

15. Funding for operation costs of applied technology
development centers;

16. A small business technology development specialist at the
Maine Technology Institute;

17. Funding for the centers for women, work and community;

18. Independent evaluation annually of the impact of these

The bill also allows the InforME program to accept funds from
all sources, including General Fund appropriations, and
authorizes the Department of Economic and Community Development
and the Department of Labor to make rules to implement the bill's

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