LD 1135
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LD 1135 Title Page An Act To Safeguard Federalism in Trade Page 2 of 2
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LR 967
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 10 MRSA §12 is enacted to read:

§12.__Safeguarding federalism in trade

1.__Legislative points of contact for trade agreement issues.__
Two legislative points of contact must be appointed at the
beginning of each legislative session, one by the leader of the
political party holding the largest number of seats in the Senate
and the leader of the political party holding the 2nd largest
number of seats in the Senate and one by the leader of the
political party holding the largest number of seats in the House
of Representatives and the leader of the political party holding
the 2nd largest number of seats in the House of Representatives.__
The duties of the legislative points of contact include:

A.__Serving as the State's official liaisons with the
Federal Government and the Legislature's liaisons with the
Governor on trade-related matters;

B.__Serving as the designated recipients of federal requests
for consent or consultation regarding investment,
procurement, services or other provisions of international
trade agreements that impinge on State law or regulatory
authority reserved to the State;

C.__Transmitting information regarding federal requests for
consent to the Office of the Governor, the Attorney General
and all appropriate legislative committees;

D.__Informing all members of the Legislature on a regular
basis about ongoing trade negotiations and dispute
settlements proceedings with implications for the State more

E.__Communicating the interests and concerns of the
Legislature to the United States Trade Representative
regarding ongoing and proposed trade negotiations; and

F.__Notifying the United States Trade Representative of the
outcome of any Legislative action.

2.__Consent.__Consent of the State to sign on to any provision
of a trade agreement may only occur through an act of the
Legislature authorizing the State to sign on to specifically
listed provisions of an agreement.

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