LD 1196
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Page 11 of 12 An Act To Extend Civil Rights Protections to All People Regardless of Sexual Or... LD 1196 Title Page
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LR 2263
Item 1

Sec. 21. 5 MRSA §4602, sub-§4 is enacted to read:

4.__Unlawful education discrimination on the basis of sexual
orientation.__It is unlawful education discrimination in
violation of this Act, on the basis of sexual orientation, to:

A.__Exclude a person from participation in, deny a person
the benefits of or subject a person to discrimination in any
academic, extracurricular, research, occupational training
or other program or activity;

B.__Deny a person equal opportunity in athletic programs;

C.__Apply any rule concerning the actual or potential family
or marital status of a person or to exclude any person from
any program or activity because of their sexual orientation;

D.__Deny admission to the institution or program or to fail
to provide equal access to any information about an
institution or program through recruitment; or

E.__Deny financial assistance availability and opportunity.

The provisions in this subsection relating to sexual orientation
do not apply to any education facility owned, controlled or
operated by a bona fide religious corporation, association or

Sec. 22. 5 MRSA §4612, sub-§4, ķA, as amended by PL 1993, c. 303, §2,
is further amended to read:

A. If the commission finds reasonable grounds to believe
that unlawful discrimination has occurred, and further
believes that irreparable injury or great inconvenience will
be caused the victim of such discrimination or to members of
a racial, color, sex, sexual orientation, physical or mental
disability, religious, or nationality group or age group if
relief is not immediately granted, or if conciliation
efforts under subsection 3 have not succeeded, the
commission may file in the Superior Court a civil action
seeking such relief as is appropriate, including temporary
restraining orders.


This bill forbids the denial of rights in employment, housing,
public accommodations, credit and education opportunity to
individuals based on their sexual orientation.

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