LD 1231
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act To Require Noncommercial Lobster Fishing License Holders To Participate ... LD 1231 Title Page
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LR 1200
Item 1

A. A person who is issued a Class I or noncommercial
lobster and crab fishing license and who is under 18 years
of age or is 70 years of age or older may declare any zone
as that person's declared lobster zone.

B. A person who is issued a Class I, Class II or Class III
lobster and crab fishing license on appeal pursuant to
section 6310, subsection 2, paragraph A, subparagraph (1) or
(2) may declare as that person's declared lobster zone the
zone in which the person was authorized to fish a majority
of that person's lobster traps in the most recent year in
which the person held a license.

C. A person who is issued a Class I, Class II or Class III
lobster and crab fishing license pursuant to section 6421,
subsection 5, paragraph D may declare as that person's
declared lobster zone the zone in which the person was
authorized to fish a majority of that person's lobster traps
in the most recent year in which the person held a license.

A person who declares a limited-entry zone as that person's
declared lobster zone pursuant to this subsection may not be
counted for the purposes of the exit ratio or the number of new
zone entrants that may be authorized for that zone.


This bill subjects the holder of or a person seeking a
noncommercial lobster or crab fishing license to the limited-
entry requirements of a commercial lobster or crab fishing
license holder or applicant.

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