LD 1247
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act To Modify Labor Laws with Regard to Minor Workers LD 1247 Title Page
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LR 1680
Item 1

minor whose overall grade average is below C or an equivalent grade
or whose average grade in any class is below C- or an equivalent
grade that the minor may work only pursuant to the provisions of
this subsection.__A minor who is placed in the restricted work
schedule pursuant to this subsection may return to work pursuant to
the provisions of subsection 1 only if the minor's overall grade
average rises to at least a C or an equivalent grade and the
minor's average grade for every class rises to at least a C- or an
equivalent grade as determined by 2 bi-weekly checks by the
administrators of the school of the minor.


This bill raises the maximum number of hours a 16-year-old or
17-year-old may work during a school week from 20 hours to 35
hours and raises the number of hours a 16-year-old or 17-year-old
may work during a school day from 4 hours to 5 hours. This bill
limits a minor whose overall grade average is below a C or who
has an average grade in any class below a C- to working no more
than 20 hours during a school week and only during the hours of
3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on a school day. A secondary school must
notify every student whose work schedule is limited under this
provision and must notify the student. A minor may return to
normal working conditions if the school administrator determines
the minor's overall grade average has risen to at least a C and
that no average grade for any class is below C-. Current law
requires employers of minors under 18 years of age to keep a time
book or record on every minor working for the employer. This
bill requires the employer to send a copy of this time book to
the minor's secondary school on a monthly basis. This bill also
eliminates the provision that does not count the time a minor
works in an approved vocational cooperative education program
towards the maximum number of hours the minor may work during a
school day or week.

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