LD 1269
pg. 5
Page 4 of 5 An Act To Change the Retirement Eligibility Requirements for Investigators in t... LD 1269 Title Page
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LR 1841
Item 1

identified in subsection 1, paragraphs I to K; after June 30, 2005
for employees identified in subsection 1, paragraph K-1; after
December 31, 2001 for employees identified in subsection 1,
paragraph L; and after June 30, 2002 for employees identified in
subsection 1, paragraph M, a member in the capacities specified in
subsection 1 must contribute to the retirement system or have pick-
up contributions made at the rate of 8.65% of earnable compensation
until the member has completed 25 years of creditable service as
provided in this section and at the rate of 7.65% thereafter.

Sec. 5. Transition. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 5, section 17851-A, subsection 1, paragraph K-1, a person
hired by the Office of the Attorney General or Department of the
Secretary of State prior to the effective date of this Act may
elect to participate in the 1998 Special Plan of the Maine State
Retirement System, as long as the election is made not later than
180 days after the effective date of this Act.


This bill allows investigators in the Office of the Attorney
General or Department of the Secretary of State to elect to
participate in the 1998 Special Plan of the Maine State
Retirement System. Under that plan, a person may retire at 55
years of age with 10 years of creditable service, or may retire
before 55 years of age with 25 years of creditable service and a
reduced benefit.

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