LD 1290
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Improve Funding for Telecommunications Relay Services LD 1290 Title Page
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LR 1657
Item 1

7. Recovery of expenses and costs. The costs for
telecommunications relay services must be recovered in the same
manner as any other costs for the provision of services by local
exchange carriers. Nothing in this section limits the ability of
the commission to determine the reasonableness of the costs for
providing these services through the state universal service fund
pursuant to section 7104, subsection 6.


This bill is designed to move the funding source for
telecommunications relay services from its current embedded
subsidy in local exchange carrier bills into the state universal
service fund so that it will be funded equally by all intrastate
telecommunications providers. The bill also clarifies that the
Telecommunications Relay Services Advisory Council is the
appropriate body for forming funding level requirements, and the
Public Utilities Commission is the appropriate body for
authorizing collection and payment of such funding levels.

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