LD 1303
pg. 3
Page 2 of 6 An Act To Register Nonbank Loan Officers Page 4 of 6
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LR 679
Item 1

current, valid registration certificate.__A loan officer may not be
employed or retained simultaneously by more than one licensee.__A
loan officer must be registered at the loan officer's principal
licensed work location and may then work from any licensed location
of the supervised lender.__The registration of a loan officer is
valid only when that person is employed or retained and supervised
by a licensed supervised lender.__When a loan officer ceases to be
employed by a licensed supervised lender, the loan officer and the
supervised lender shall promptly notify the administrator in

Sec. 6. 9-A MRSA §2-303, as amended by PL 1985, c. 763, Pt. A, §26
and PL 1999, c. 547, Pt. B, §78 and affected by §80, is further
amended to read:

§2-303. Revocation or suspension of license or registration

1. The administrator may file a complaint with the District
Court to suspend or revoke a license to make supervised loans or
a registration as a loan officer if the administrator finds
reason to believe, after investigation or hearing, or both, that:

A. The licensee or registrant has violated this Act or any
rule or order made pursuant to this Act; or

B. Facts or conditions exist which that would clearly have
justified the administrator in refusing to grant a license
or registration had these facts or conditions been known to
exist at the time the application for the license or
registration was made.

An affirmative finding by the District Court of either cause
shall be is sufficient to suspend or revoke the license or

1-A. The administrator may refuse to renew a license or
registration, after notice and opportunity for a hearing has been
provided to the licensee or registrant, for any of the reasons
set forth in subsection 1.

2. No revocation or suspension of a license shall impair or
registration impairs or affect affects the obligation of any
preexisting lawful contract between the licensee or registrant
and any debtor.

3. The administrator may reinstate a license, terminate a
suspension or grant a new license or registration to a person
whose license or registration has been revoked if no fact or
condition then exists which that clearly would have justified the
administrator in refusing to grant a license or registration.

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