LD 1306
pg. 13
Page 12 of 13 An Act To License Home Building and Improvement Contractors LD 1306 Title Page
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LR 208
Item 1

contractors, in a manner that the commissioner shall determine.__
Beginning on the registration date as determined in accordance with
subsection 1, the commissioner shall begin registering these
persons and collecting a registration fee in accordance with
section 15345.__Beginning one year after the registration date, a
person may not practice as a home contractor unless that person has
applied to be registered pursuant to this chapter.

Violations of registration requirements under this section are
governed by the provisions of Title 10, section 8003-C.__This
subsection is repealed upon the provisions of this chapter
requiring licensure becoming effective pursuant to subsection 1
of this section.


This bill creates the Maine Home Contractor Licensing Act.
The bill contains the following provisions: requirements for
licensure of general contractors and persons who perform framing,
roofing, siding, insulating, window work or chimney work, if the
work concerns residential dwellings; certain specific exemptions
from licensure; required qualifications for general and specialty
licenses; requirements for criminal and financial disclosures;
creation and authority of the Maine Home Contractor Licensing
Board; fees for licensing; adoption of a model building code; and
a mechanism for phasing in a registration program, followed by a
licensing program, upon adoption of the model building code by 56
of a list of 83 specified municipalities.

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