LD 1325
pg. 6
Page 5 of 6 An Act To Ensure Continuity of Care Related to Implementation of the Federal Me... LD 1325 Title Page
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LR 1609
Item 1

4. The bill directs the Department of Health and Human Services
to adopt routine technical rules for the provisions of the bill in
the elderly low-cost drug program.

5. The bill directs the Department of Health and Human
Services to provide transitional prescription and nonprescription
drug benefits under the elderly low-cost drug program for persons
enrolled in the program who may be eligible for or are enrolled
in Medicare D.

6. The bill retains funding appropriated in the elderly low-
cost drug program for state fiscal years 2004-05, 2005-06 and

7. The bill requires the Department of Health and Human
Services to coordinate benefits among the elderly low-cost drug
program, the MaineCare program and Medicare D in order to
increase access to needed prescription and nonprescription drugs
at affordable costs.

8. The bill directs the Department of Health and Human
Services to amend the rules regarding the amount of income that
may be retained by a resident of a nursing, residential care or
assisted living facility to allow an increase to cover the cost
of the person's copayment for needed prescription and
nonprescription drugs under the elderly low-cost drug program,
the MaineCare program and Medicare D.

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