LD 1365
pg. 11
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LR 84
Item 1

acceptable, desired or solicited, or that the clientele is
restricted to any particular race or color, sexual orientation,
physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry or national
origin. The production of any communication, notice or
advertisement purporting to relate to any place of accommodation
is presumptive evidence in any action that the action was
authorized by its owner, manager or proprietor;

Sec. 17. 5 MRSA §4595, as repealed and replaced by PL 1975, c. 770,
§40, is amended to read:

§4595. Right to freedom from discrimination solely on basis

of age, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital

status, ancestry, religion or national origin in any

credit transaction

The opportunity for every individual to be extended credit
without discrimination solely because of any one or more of the
following factors: Age age; race; color; sex; sexual orientation;
marital status; ancestry; religion or national origin is
recognized as and declared to be a civil right.

Sec. 18. 5 MRSA §4596, as repealed and replaced by PL 1975, c. 770,
§41, is amended to read:

§4596. Unlawful credit extension discrimination

It shall be is unlawful credit discrimination for any creditor
to refuse the extension of credit to any person solely on the
basis of any one or more of the following factors: Age age; race;
color; sex; sexual orientation; marital status; ancestry;
religion or national origin in any credit transaction. It shall
is not be unlawful credit discrimination to comply with the terms
and conditions of any bona fide group credit life, accident and
health insurance plan, for a financial institution extending
credit to a married person to require both the husband and the
wife to sign a note and a mortgage and to deny credit to persons
under the age of 18 or to consider a person's age in determining
the terms upon which credit will be extended.

Sec. 19. 5 MRSA §4612, sub-§4, ķA, as amended by PL 1993, c. 303, §2,
is further amended to read:

A. If the commission finds reasonable grounds to believe
that unlawful discrimination has occurred, and further
believes that irreparable injury or great inconvenience will
be caused the victim of such discrimination or to members of
a racial, color, sex, sexual orientation, physical or mental
disability, religious, or nationality group or age group if
relief is not immediately granted, or if conciliation

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