LD 1365
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LR 84
Item 1

for the granting of loans or financial assistance which that are
not based on the race, color, sex, sexual orientation, physical
or mental disability, religion, country of ancestral origin,
familial status or the receipt of public assistance payments of
the applicant for a loan or financial assistance or, of any
existing or prospective owner, lessee, tenant or occupant of
housing accommodation.

Sec. 15. 5 MRSA §4591, as amended by PL 1991, c. 99, §20, is
further amended to read:

§4591. Equal access to public accommodations

The opportunity for every individual to have equal access to
places of public accommodation without discrimination because of
race, color, sex, sexual orientation, physical or mental
disability, religion, ancestry or national origin is recognized
as and declared to be a civil right.

Sec. 16. 5 MRSA §4592, sub-§§1 and 2, as amended by PL 1995, c. 393,
§22, are further amended to read:

1. Denial of public accommodations. For any public
accommodation or any person who is the owner, lessor, lessee,
proprietor, operator, manager, superintendent, agent or employee
of any place of public accommodation to directly or indirectly
refuse, discriminate against or in any manner withhold from or
deny the full and equal enjoyment to any person, on account of
race or color, sex, sexual orientation, physical or mental
disability, religion, ancestry or national origin, any of the
accommodations, advantages, facilities, goods, services or
privileges of public accommodation, or in any manner discriminate
against any person in the price, terms or conditions upon which
access to accommodation, advantages, facilities, goods, services
and privileges may depend.

For purposes of this subsection, unlawful discrimination also
includes, but is not limited to:

A. The imposition or application of eligibility criteria
that screen out or tend to screen out an individual with a
disability or any class of individuals with disabilities
from fully and equally enjoying any goods, services,
facilities, privileges, advantages or accommodations, unless
the criteria can be shown to be necessary for the provision
of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages
or accommodations being offered;

B. A failure to make reasonable modifications in policies,
practices or procedures, when modifications are necessary to

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