LD 1377
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 An Act Regarding Municipally Owned Street Lighting Page 4 of 4
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LR 1081
Item 1

exercise by any municipality of the option to convert its street
lighting service pursuant to this section, any person other than
the transmission and distribution utility controlling the right to
use space on any pole, lamppost or other mounting surface
previously used by the transmission and distribution utility in the
municipality shall allow the municipality to assume the rights and
obligations of the transmission and distribution utility with
respect to the space for the unexpired term of any lease or other
agreement under which the transmission and distribution utility
used the space.

In the assumption of the rights and obligations of the
transmission and distribution utility by a municipality, the
municipality may in no way restrict, impede or prohibit universal
access to the provision of electric and other services.

7.__Dispute resolution.__In connection with the exercise by
any municipality of the option to convert its street lighting
services pursuant to this section, any dispute concerning the
compensation to be paid the transmission and distribution utility
or any other matter arising in connection with such exercise,
including, but not limited to, the terms on which space is to be
provided to the municipality in accordance with subsection 6,
must be resolved by the commission within 60 days of any request
for resolution by the municipality or any person involved in a

8.__Affiliates may compete for business.__Notwithstanding any
other provision of law, any affiliate of any transmission and
distribution utility whose street lighting service is converted
by a municipality in accordance with the provisions of this
section may solicit and compete for the business of any
municipality for the provision of lighting equipment or any other
service, such as equipment maintenance, in connection with street
lighting service.


This bill creates several rights for municipalities with
respect to public utilities and streetlights. The bill does the

1. Secures the right of municipalities to purchase only
energy for street lighting from the transmission and distribution

2. Secures the right of municipalities to place municipally
owned streetlights on utility-owned poles;

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