LD 1402
pg. 4
Page 3 of 7 An Act To Provide Guidelines, Standards and Rights for Children and the Guardia... Page 5 of 7
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LR 174
Item 1

(2)__The guardian or legal custodian, if any, of the child.

Notice under this subsection need not be given to a person listed
in this subsection whose parental rights have been terminated.

(c)__Written notice of a hearing on a petition to appoint a de
facto guardian as guardian of a child must be given to the
Department of Health and__Human Services if either parent
receives public assistance, the petitioner receives public
assistance on behalf of the child or either parent receives child
support enforcement services or applies for public assistance or
child support enforcement services after a petition under this
section is filed.__Notice to the department must include a copy
of the petition.

(d)__Appointment of a guardian under this section without a
hearing is permitted if both parents consent by stipulation or
agreement that it is in the best interests of the child for the
de facto guardian to be appointed the guardian of the child.__If
either parent receives public assistance, the petitioner receives
public assistance on behalf of the child or either parent
receives child support enforcement services, the petitioner must
notify the Department of Health and Human Services of the
stipulation or agreement under this subsection.

(e)__To establish that the petitioner is a de facto guardian,
the petitioner must:

(1)__Show by clear and convincing evidence that the
petitioner satisfies the definition of de facto guardian in
section 5-251; and

(2)__Prove by a preponderance of the evidence that it is in
the best interests of the child that the de facto guardian
be appointed the guardian of the child.

(f)__The court shall appoint the de facto guardian as the
guardian of the child if the court determines the appointment is
in the best interests of the child, consistent with section 5-
253.__To the extent not inconsistent with this Part, Part 2
applies to the appointment and powers of and other proceedings
concerning the de facto guardian as the child's guardian.

(g)__The court may order any responsible person to pay child
support in accordance with the child support guidelines under
Title 19-A, chapter 63.

(h)__In a contested action, the court may appoint counsel,

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