LD 1402
pg. 6
Page 5 of 7 An Act To Provide Guidelines, Standards and Rights for Children and the Guardia... Page 7 of 7
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LR 174
Item 1

out in subsection (a) to the exclusion of all others.__The court
shall make detailed findings on each of the factors and explain how
the factors led to its conclusions and to the determination of the
best interests of the child.

(c)__The court may not give preference to a party over the de
facto guardian solely because the party is a parent of the child.

(d)__The court may not prefer a parent over the de facto
guardian solely on the basis of the gender of the parent or de
facto guardian.

(e)__The fact that the parents of the child are not or were
never married to each other may not be determinative of the
custody of the child.

(f)__The court may not consider conduct of a proposed guardian
that does not affect the guardian's relationship to the child.


(a)__If a parent seeks termination of a guardianship appointed
under this Part, the court shall establish a schedule of review
hearings for the court to review parental efforts to demonstrate
a capacity to fulfill the duties described in section 5-251,
subsection (b) so that it is in the child's best interests to
terminate the guardianship.

(b)__The parent must prove by the preponderance of the
evidence that the parent has made appropriate changes described
in subsection (a) so that termination of the guardianship is in
the best interests of the child.

(c)__If there has not been adequate change described in
subsection (a) within the first 2 years of the guardianship,
there is a presumption that the guardianship should continue
until the child is 18 years of age.__The parent may rebut the
presumption by clear and convincing evidence.


This bill gives standing to "de facto guardians" to seek
appointment as guardians of minor children, with or without the
consent of the parents. The Probate Court will consider factors
that establish the person as a de facto guardian, including

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