LD 1404
pg. 2
Page 1 of 8 An Act To Increase the Quality of Care and Reduce Administrative Burdens in the... Page 3 of 8
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LR 1953
Item 1

children through an approval process that is determined in
accordance with the requirements of 42 United States Code,
Section 1396(r)(5).

2.__Prior authorization.__In the adoption of any prior
authorization process for pharmacy benefits, the provisions of
this subsection apply.

A.__The department shall adopt rules providing clinical
exemptions from the prior authorization process for at least
the following groups of persons:

(1) Members who are unable to adequately communicate
their health condition as a result of dementia or other
cognitive or physical impairment;

(2)__Members who reside in health care or residential
care facilities;

(3)__Members who have acute psychiatric conditions that
have been stabilized on a nonpreferred drug and who, in
the judgment of the treating health care provider,
would suffer an adverse health effect as a result of
changing that drug;

(4)__Members whose medical condition has been
stabilized on a nonpreferred drug during
hospitalization or who have been prescribed a
nonpreferred drug upon discharge so that they may
continue to receive the drug following hospitalization
for a transition period of at least 90 days;

(5)__Members for whom the abrupt termination of a
certain prescribed drug may cause serious harm; and

(6)__Members who are frail or medically vulnerable,
including those diagnosed with HIV or AIDS, for whom
exclusion from prior authorization is clinically

B.__The department shall adopt rules that provide for
dispensing drugs on an emergency basis.

(1)__The rules must apply if a prescribing provider
fails to submit a completed application for prior
authorization or to attach the required documentation.

(2)__The rules must authorize the pharmacy to dispense, in
accordance with applicable licensing standards and

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