LD 1405
pg. 10
Page 9 of 12 An Act To Prepare Maine for Public Health Emergencies Page 11 of 12
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LR 602
Item 1



§875.__Employment leaves for caregivers and persons affected by

extreme public health emergency

1.__Required leave.__An employer shall grant reasonable and
necessary leave from work, with or without pay, for an employee
for the following reasons related to an extreme public health

A.__The employee is unable to work because the employee is
under individual investigation, supervision or treatment
related to an extreme public health emergency;

B.__The employee is unable to work because the employee is
acting in accordance with an extreme public health emergency

C.__The employee is unable to work because the employee is
in quarantine or isolation or is subject to a control
measure in accordance with extreme public health emergency
information or directions issued to the public, a part of
the public or one or more individuals;

D.__The employee is unable to work because of a direction
given by the employee's employer in response to a concern of
the employer that the employee may expose other individuals
in the workplace to the extreme public health emergency
threat; or

E.__The employee is unable to work because the employee is
needed to provide care or assistance to one or more of the
following individuals:__the spouse or same-sex partner of
the employee; a parent, stepparent or foster parent of the
employee or the employee's spouse or same-sex partner; a
child, stepchild or foster child of the employee or the
employee's spouse or same-sex partner; the spouse or same-
sex partner of a child of the employee; the employee's
sibling; or a relative of the employee who is dependent on
the employee for care or assistance.

For purposes of this subsection, "extreme public health
emergency" has the same meaning as in Title 22, section 801,
subsection 4-A.

2.__Exceptions.__An employer who fails to grant a leave under
subsection 1 is not in violation of subsection 1 if:

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