LD 1412
pg. 1
LD 1412 Title Page An Act To Protect Consumers Regarding Motor Vehicle Rentals LD 1412 Title Page
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LR 1723
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 10 MRSA c. 218 is enacted to read:



§1479.__Verification of mileage

An agent or employee of a person, firm, partnership,
association, corporation, limited liability company or other
entity that rents motor vehicles shall accompany a prospective
renter of a motor vehicle to that motor vehicle before it is
rented for the purpose of verifying the mileage of that motor
vehicle.__The agent or employee and prospective renter must agree
on the mileage of the motor vehicle before it is rented.__The
agent or employee and prospective renter must sign an agreement
that is written in at least 10 point type and states the mileage
of the motor vehicle.__If such an agreement is not signed before
the motor vehicle is rented, the renter is not liable for any
charge in connection with the rental of that motor vehicle.__This
section applies only to motor vehicles rented for a period of
less than one year.


This bill requires verification of the mileage of a motor
vehicle before that motor vehicle is rented for a period of less
than one year.

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