LD 1413
pg. 1
LD 1413 Title Page An Act To Conform the Remedies under the Maine Family Medical Leave Requirement... LD 1413 Title Page
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LR 1686
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 26 MRSA §848, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 661, is repealed
and the following enacted in its place:

§848. Judicial enforcement

1.__Injunction and damages.__A civil action may be brought in
the appropriate court by an employee against any employer to
enforce this subchapter.__The court may enjoin any act or
practice that violates or may violate this subchapter and may
order any other equitable relief that is necessary and
appropriate to redress the violation or to enforce this
subchapter.__The court also may:

A.__Award damages equal to the wages, salary, employment
benefits or other compensation denied or lost to the
employee by reason of the violation; or

B.__Order the employer to pay liquidated damages of $100 to
the employee for each day that the violation continued.

2.__Additional damages.__The court also may order the employer
to pay an additional amount as liquidated damages equal to the
amount awarded under subsection 1 or 2, or less than the amount
awarded under subsection 1 or 2 if the employer proves to the
satisfaction of the court that the employer has acted in good
faith and with reasonable grounds for believing that its actions
were not illegal.

3.__Attorney's fees.__In any action brought pursuant to this
section, in addition to any judgment awarded to the employee, the
court shall award reasonable attorney's fees and other costs of
the action to be paid by the employer.


This bill expands the remedies available to employees alleging
violations of the Maine family medical leave requirements to
equal those available under federal law. The remedies include
back pay, interest, attorney's fees and costs, liquidated double
damages and equitable remedies.

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