LD 1429
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act To Amend the Laws Governing the Size, Placement and Use of Certain On-pr... LD 1429 Title Page
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LR 1795
Item 1

centerline of the nearest public way or actual ground level
adjacent to the sign, whichever is lower.

G. Changeable message board signs existing in accordance
with the requirements of former subsection 11 continue to
exist if the signs:

(1) Are reasonably incapable of being modified or
reprogrammed to comply with this section as amended;

(2) Are not replaced, substantially rebuilt,
reconstructed or repaired beyond routine maintenance.

H. The size, intensity of illumination and acceptable rate
of change between the time display and the temperature
display of a time and temperature sign must comply with
rules, policies or guidelines adopted by the Department of
Transportation. Rules adopted pursuant to this section are
routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter II-A. Time and temperature signs erected prior
to September 29, 1995 need not comply with those rules,
policies or guidelines.

I.__An urban compact area or municipality as defined in
section 754 may not restrict the use or content of an on-
premises changeable sign beyond that indicated in this


This bill changes the placement, size and height restrictions
on certain freestanding, on-premises signs viewed from a
controlled highway. This bill also eliminates restrictions on
changeable signs.

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