LD 1434
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LD 1434 Title Page An Act To Reform the Renewable Electricity Portfolio Standard Page 2 of 7
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 35-A MRSA §3210, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1999, c. 398, Pt. I,
§1, is further amended to read:

1. Policy. In order to ensure an adequate and reliable
supply of electricity for Maine residents and to encourage
economic development opportunities in this State, to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions from the State's electricity supply
portfolio and to maintain and increase the use of renewable,
efficient and indigenous resources, it is the policy of this
State to encourage the generation of electricity from renewable
and efficient sources and to diversify electricity production on
which residents of this State rely in a manner consistent with
this section.

Sec. 2. 35-A MRSA §3210, sub-§2, ¶¶B and C, as repealed and replaced by
PL 1999, c. 398, Pt. I, §2, are amended to read:

B. "Eligible Tier 1 eligible resource" means a source of
electrical generation that:

(1) Generates power that can physically be is scheduled
for delivery and delivered to the control region in
which the New England Power Pool, or its successor as
approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
has authority over transmission, or to the Maritimes
Control Area; and

(2) Is either a tier 1 renewable resource or an
efficient resource and does not sell its electrical
output to a transmission and distribution utility
pursuant to a contract entered into prior to March 1,

C. "Renewable Tier 1 renewable resource" means a source of
electrical generation:

(1) That qualifies as a small power production
facility under the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
rules, 18 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 292,
Subpart B, as in effect on January 1, 1997; or

(2) Whose total power production capacity does not
exceed 100 megawatts and that relies on one or more of
the following:

(a) Fuel cells;

(b) Tidal power;

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