LD 1434
pg. 3
Page 2 of 7 An Act To Reform the Renewable Electricity Portfolio Standard Page 4 of 7
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LR 726
Item 1

passage in place prior to January 1, 2005 and that the
installed fish passage system will facilitate the
upstream and downstream passage of anadromous fish.__A
system involving the trapping and trucking of fish does
not qualify as a fish passage system under this
subparagraph.__A system of fish lifts, pumps or ladders
may qualify as a fish passage system if certified by the
Commissioner of Marine Resources as effective in
facilitating the upstream and downstream passage of
anadromous fish at the particular installation; or

(3) Is a biomass generator that:

(a) Uses as feedstock only biomass harvested using
sustainable forest management practices certified
by an independent 3rd-party audit in accordance
with rules adopted by the commission.__The
commission shall consult with the Department of
Conservation, Maine Forest Service in adopting
these rules; and

(b) Meets emission standards established by the
commission by rule in consultation with the
Department of Environmental Protection.__Emission
standards established by the commission shall, to
the extent possible, be equivalent to standards
established for similar generators in

Rules adopted under this subparagraph are major
substantive rules pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter 2-A.

Sec. 4. 35-A MRSA §3210, sub-§3, as amended by PL 1999, c. 398, Pt. I,
§3, is further amended to read:

3. Portfolio requirements. As a condition of licensing
pursuant to section 3203, each competitive electricity provider
in this State must demonstrate in a manner satisfactory to the
commission that no less than 30% of its portfolio of supply
sources for retail electricity sales in this State is accounted
for by eligible resources. If a competitive electricity provider
represents to a customer that the provider is selling to the
customer a portfolio of supply sources that includes more than
30% eligible resources, the resources necessary to supply more
than 30% of that customer's load may not be applied to meet the
aggregate 30% portfolio requirement. Rules adopted under this
subsection are major substantive rules pursuant to Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter II-A.:

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