LD 1436
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Page 10 of 13 An Act To Encourage a Vote-by-Mail System in Maine Page 12 of 13
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LR 266
Item 1

1. Envelopes retained. The clerk shall retain possession of
return absentee envelopes with the applications attached, where
required, and the list required by section 753-B, subsection 6.

Sec. 12. 21-A MRSA §762, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 161, §6, is
amended to read:

An absentee ballot may not be rejected for any immaterial
irregularity in completing the application or affidavit on the
return envelope. The following information must be on the
envelope for the ballot to be accepted:

Sec. 13. 21-A MRSA §763, as amended by PL 1999, c. 645, §11, is
further amended to read:

§763. Return of election materials

As soon as the ballots have been counted, the applications,
where required, absentee ballots, return envelopes, lists
required by sections 753-B and 756 and other election materials
must be repacked, in accordance with section 698, and returned to
the clerk. The clerk shall keep them in the clerk's office for
the time required by section 23.

Sec. 14. 21-A MRSA §764, as amended by PL 1997, c. 436, §115, is
further amended to read:

§764. Envelopes as public records

Absentee ballot applications and absentee ballot return
envelopes are public records until the close of voting on
election day, or until the ballots have been processed on
election day, if the municipality processes absentee ballots
before 8:00 p.m. After that time, except as provided in section
759, subsection 8, the applications and envelopes are not public
records and may be inspected only in accordance with this Title.

Sec. 15. 21-A MRSA §780, as repealed and replaced by PL 2003, c.
407, §31, is amended to read:

§780. Absentee ballots

A uniformed service voter or an overseas voter may request an
absentee ballot as provided in section 753-A 753-B, subsection 1-
A or by submitting a federal application or form requesting an
absentee ballot. With respect to any election for federal
office, a clerk may not refuse to accept or process any otherwise

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